You’ve most likely experienced having dental x-rays taken several times throughout your life, but what exactly is the point of looking below the surface of your teeth? Our dental office in Carrollton takes these images for a variety of reasons, so this month, let’s take a look at why dental… Read More…
April is recognized as Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and at our Carrollton dental office, we know just how serious this epidemic is in the United States. In fact, just over 51,000 people are expected to be diagnosed with it this year. While there have been advancements in oral cancer treatment,… Read More…
While dreaming about losing your teeth can certainly scare anyone into thinking their pearly whites are at risk of falling out, that’s probably not the case. At our dental office in Carrollton, we understand how unsettling it can be to imagine a sudden loss of your teeth, so we’re here… Read More…
St. Patrick’s Day is often celebrated by wearing a bunch of green, maybe going to a parade, and oftentimes, drinking beer. Sometimes bars and restaurants even go the extra mile by dyeing their beer green to enhance the festive feeling. While the team at our dental office in Carrollton is… Read More…
February is recognized as American Heart Health Month and is designed to raise awareness of the widespread problem of heart disease in the United States. While this is certainly a valuable promotion, what does it have to do with our Carrollton dental office? We’re glad you asked. Join us as… Read More…
When we think of things that cause cavities, we typically imagine a diet packed full of sugary sweet treats. But our dental office in Carrollton wants you to know that eating a lot of sugar isn’t the only thing that increases your risk of developing cavities. In fact, there are… Read More…
The charcoal toothpaste craze seems to be everywhere, and it also seems like everyone is using it to finally get the white smile they’ve always dreamed of. But can this messy black stuff that looks like it’s sure to stain teeth actually whiten them? The team at our dental office… Read More…
Are you unhappy with the way your smile looks? You’re not alone. According to the American Association of Orthodontics, more than one third of U.S. residents don’t like their smiles. But our dental office in Carrollton has some good news: you don’t need to live with a smile you don’t… Read More…
There’s been a popular belief surrounding red wine and its benefits to heart health floating around for years. We even found an article suggesting that drinking a glass of red wine a day has the same type of benefits as spending an hour at the gym. But we’re not here… Read More…
Bad breath is an embarrassing ailment that affects many people. Sometimes bad breath is a temporary side effect of especially stinky food, other times it’s a chronic issue that never seems to go away. At our dental office in Carrollton, we have a few helpful tips that may help remedy… Read More…