While we all hope to avoid tooth problems and issues as we age, this isn’t always possible, no matter how much you take care of your teeth. As your body changes, you may need more help from your dentist in Carrollton in order to maintain your oral health. Here are… Read More…
Do you know what the sugar content is in your favorite drinks and foods? Many people drink and eat more sugar than they realize, so it’s important to understand how much of the sweet stuff is in the foods and drinks you consume. Luckily, your dentist in Carrollton is here… Read More…
When it comes to maintaining good oral health, every little bit counts. This includes making sure you brush your teeth twice a day, floss everyday, and see your dentist in Carrollton at least every six months. But there are other small changes you can make in your daily life to… Read More…
Most Americans have had or will have at least one cavity in their lifetime. In fact, the CDC estimates that about 90% of U.S. adults have already had a cavity. When patients develop a cavity, often the best way to fix it is with a dental filling. Most dental offices… Read More…
The sound of snoring at night can keep both the snorer and others in the house from getting a full night of sleep. But did you know that snoring can actually affect both your overall health and oral health? In fact, while snoring is one of those things that may… Read More…
From Father’s Day (on June 20th!) to Men’s Health Month, June is a time to recognize all the men in our lives. This month is dedicated to raising awareness of just how important it is for men of all ages to focus on their health and seeks to encourage them… Read More…
It’s not uncommon for your dentist in Carrollton to have patients say; “I brush my teeth twice a day every day, so how can flossing actually make that big of a difference?” The truth is, flossing is a crucial part of any home oral hygiene routine and can help keep… Read More…
There are a lot of differences between men and women, especially when it comes to healthcare needs. Dental health is no exception. During this year’s National Women’s Health Week, your dentist in Carrollton is here to share some key information about the importance of dental care throughout various stages of… Read More…
If we’ve learned anything throughout this pandemic, it’s that being happy and healthy should be at the top of our lists. While we’re sure you’ve spent tons of time Googling various health concerns and symptoms over the past year, we want to shift your focus to something you may not… Read More…
When it comes to our health, nobody wants to hear the big ‘C’ word — Cancer. While this disease can affect anywhere in the body, one of the harder types of cancer to diagnose early is oral cancer. However, early diagnosis is key to treating oral cancer successfully and increasing… Read More…